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"Everyone has a little ADHD" - What to say in response Episode 8

"Everyone has a little ADHD" - What to say in response

· 16:30


[00:00:02] Jamie Cutino: Hello my friends.
[00:00:04] Jamie Cutino: Welcome back to the Outsmart ADHD podcast.
[00:00:07] Jamie Cutino: Happy Sunday.
[00:00:10] Jamie Cutino: By the time that you'll be listening to this, it'll be Wednesday.
[00:00:13] Jamie Cutino: So happy Wednesday.
[00:00:18] Jamie Cutino: I think it's episode number eight, which is pretty wild that I have stayed consistent for this long.
[00:00:22] Jamie Cutino: But it just shows that if you don't care if you have a podcast, intro or outro and your only goal is to be able to get really good actionable tips to your audience that you don't really care if you have the intro and outro and you can stay consistent.
[00:00:39] Coaching Thousands in Free Facebook Group for Women with ADHD

[00:00:39] Jamie Cutino: Okay, so first of all, before we get into it, I want to talk about why it has been a couple of weeks since I have been here with you.
[00:00:47] Jamie Cutino: So I had this crazy idea that I am going to create the impact that I've always had the vision of before having a crap ton of clients.
[00:01:02] Jamie Cutino: And what happened was I was over at my friend's house, I don't know, like three weeks back and I was up in the mountains with her because of course I live in Colorado and we went to the mountains together.
[00:01:13] Jamie Cutino: Her mom had a condo and I got to just have a free vacation.
[00:01:17] Jamie Cutino: But anyway, I was talking to her about how when I started this business, it didn't start off with the idea of a business, it started off with the idea of a community of women with ADHD having a brain that they could work with, impacting the next one with ADHD and have this amazing ripple effect.
[00:01:35] Jamie Cutino: And my friend had the idea, she was like, why don't you coach every single person in your Facebook group for like 30 days?
[00:01:42] Jamie Cutino: I'm like, what?
[00:01:43] Jamie Cutino: First of all, I'd never coached 3000 people at the same time.
[00:01:46] Jamie Cutino: The most I had ever done was like ten.
[00:01:49] Jamie Cutino: So yes, absolutely, I'm going to figure it out.
[00:01:51] Jamie Cutino: So anyway, the last two weeks I've been coaching every single person in my free Facebook group as if they are paying clients and that is why I have not been recording this podcast with you because the first full week we did a Masterclass.
[00:02:02] Jamie Cutino: So anyway, if you are not already in the Facebook group, then why aren't you joining, you silly goose?
[00:02:07] Jamie Cutino: The link to join the Facebook group will be in the show notes and as long as you identify as a woman with ADHD, you are welcome there.
[00:02:15] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friend.
[00:02:16] Jamie Cutino: So that is what has been going on in my neck of the woods.
[00:02:22] Jamie Cutino: Second off, I want to thank our new patrons, kirsten and Ash Bay.
[00:02:28] Jamie Cutino: I don't know Ash Bay if your name is actually Ash Bay or if your name is Ashley, but I'm going to call you Ash Bay because guess what, that's what you gave me, girlfriend.
[00:02:35] Jamie Cutino: Thank you so much for being new patrons.
[00:02:38] Jamie Cutino: This podcast is possible because of listeners like you.
[00:02:41] Jamie Cutino: Do you like my rip off of the PBS commercial that we listen to as kids.
[00:02:47] Jamie Cutino: I am so excited to buy Double with both of you, kirsten and Ash Bay.
[00:02:51] Jamie Cutino: For those who don't know about it, my virtual co working community that runs 24/7 runs through Patreon and you can join it for a week completely free.
[00:03:02] Jamie Cutino: So come hang out with us in our co working body double community.
[00:03:07] Jamie Cutino: I was just using it the other night while I was eating ice cream and creating a client contract because things like that are really boring to me, but I had to get done.
[00:03:16] Jamie Cutino: So anyway, thank you so much, Kirsten and Ash Bay, for being new patrons.
[00:03:21] Understanding ADHD: Neurodevelopmental Disorder and Society's Misconceptions

[00:03:21] Jamie Cutino: Okay, so today's podcast episode topic, thank you to our friends Lauren and Judith in the Facebook group is how to stop shaming yourself and what to do when someone says everyone has a little ADHD.
[00:03:38] Jamie Cutino: I'm going to try not to get too fired up because I have so much to say about this topic.
[00:03:43] Jamie Cutino: But first of all, let's talk about what ADHD is.
[00:03:46] Jamie Cutino: And once you understand what ADHD is, my goodness, it's going to sound so silly for everyone who talked about everyone having a little bit of ADHD.
[00:03:54] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:03:54] Jamie Cutino: So ADHD, when you look at it, at its core, it is a neurodevelopmental disorder.
[00:03:59] Jamie Cutino: What does that mean?
[00:04:00] Jamie Cutino: It happens at the level of the brain.
[00:04:06] Jamie Cutino: It happens at the level of the brain.
[00:04:07] Jamie Cutino: So if you were to look at an ADHD brain versus a typical brain, the ADHD brain is going to have an underdeveloped frontal lobe.
[00:04:18] Jamie Cutino: There's actually less action happening in the frontal lobe of an ADHD person versus a non ADHD person.
[00:04:24] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friend?
[00:04:26] Jamie Cutino: So there are physical differences in the brain.
[00:04:31] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:04:31] Jamie Cutino: So ADHD, the frontal lobe controls executive functioning.
[00:04:36] Jamie Cutino: So starting a task, finishing a task, switching tasks, emotional regulation, prioritizing organizing, all of that happens in the frontal lobe of the brain, which is underdeveloped for those of us with ADHD.
[00:04:47] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friends, so saying that everyone has a little bit of ADHD would be like everyone having a brain scan that looks a little bit like that.
[00:04:54] Jamie Cutino: How silly is that?
[00:04:55] Jamie Cutino: ADHD also controls.
[00:04:58] Jamie Cutino: Those of us with ADHD also are more prone to addictions.
[00:05:02] Jamie Cutino: And like binge eating.
[00:05:04] Jamie Cutino: I mean, pretty much all addictions because we are dopamine deficient dopamine is that feel good?
[00:05:10] Jamie Cutino: Neurotransmitter.
[00:05:11] Jamie Cutino: So whereas a non ADHD person it turns out I forgot to put my phone on Do Not disturb because it turns out I have ADHD and sometimes I forget things.
[00:05:21] Jamie Cutino: No, I don't want to do an emergency call.
[00:05:24] Jamie Cutino: Do you guys love that?
[00:05:24] Jamie Cutino: I don't actually edit my podcast so that you can see what actually goes on during a podcast episode.
[00:05:31] Jamie Cutino: So an ADHD brain is dopamine deficient dopamine is that feel good neurotransmitter so whereas a non ADHD person feels pretty good day to day, an ADHD person is always seeking something to make them feel good.
[00:05:45] Jamie Cutino: Which is why we are often found like binging sugar addictions and engaging in risky behavior so that we can up that dopamine in the brain.
[00:05:55] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:05:56] Understanding and Overcoming Shame Around ADHD

[00:05:56] Jamie Cutino: So now that we have an idea about a better idea of what ADHD is, let's talk about why we have shame around ADHD.
[00:06:03] Jamie Cutino: We've been told our entire lives that we need to try harder, that we talk too fast, that we walk too fast, that we say inappropriate things.
[00:06:11] Jamie Cutino: We're told that our special interests that we know so much about are really weird.
[00:06:16] Jamie Cutino: We have been told our entire lives that pretty much the way that we are is not okay, which creates this internalized shame, which is exponentially greater when we are told that everybody has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:06:30] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:06:31] Jamie Cutino: So we know that not everyone has a little bit of ADHD, because although some people, or I guess everybody has moments where they forget things, has moments where it's challenging to finish a task, for those of us with ADHD, it's classified as a disability because it significantly impacts our daily life.
[00:06:50] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:06:51] Jamie Cutino: So that is, first of all, why not everyone has a little bit of ADHD?
[00:06:55] Jamie Cutino: Because not everybody has an ADHD brain, okay?
[00:06:59] Jamie Cutino: And not everyone has these symptoms of ADHD so much that it impacts their daily life.
[00:07:04] Jamie Cutino: It impacts every single part of our lives.
[00:07:05] Jamie Cutino: It impacts our ability to pay bills on time even if we have the money.
[00:07:11] Jamie Cutino: A lot of times we won't pay on time because it's so challenging to start that task of paying an online payment or, God forbid, making a call.
[00:07:18] Jamie Cutino: It affects our relationships.
[00:07:19] Jamie Cutino: It affects how much energy we have.
[00:07:21] Jamie Cutino: It affects our sex lives.
[00:07:22] Jamie Cutino: It affects every single part of our daily lives, which is why we fit the criteria of having ADHD.
[00:07:27] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:07:28] Responding to People Saying 'Everyone Has a Little Bit of ADHD'

[00:07:28] Jamie Cutino: So let's talk about how to respond to people when they say that everyone has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:07:35] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:07:36] Jamie Cutino: I'm going to give you a page out of my how to Deal with People by Jamie Coutinho handbook.
[00:07:41] Jamie Cutino: When someone says your great aunt, let's think of an aunt's name, okay?
[00:07:46] Jamie Cutino: Your great aunt Rita.
[00:07:47] Jamie Cutino: You just told her.
[00:07:48] Jamie Cutino: Hey, Aunt Rita, I found out that I have ADHD.
[00:07:50] Jamie Cutino: I did a lot of research on it.
[00:07:51] Jamie Cutino: Everything is lining up.
[00:07:53] Jamie Cutino: You haven't had the formal diagnosis yet, but guess what?
[00:07:55] Jamie Cutino: Formal diagnoses are gatekeeped.
[00:07:57] Jamie Cutino: But you know you have ADHD.
[00:07:59] Jamie Cutino: I accept self diagnoses as 100% valid for those of you who are new here.
[00:08:06] Jamie Cutino: So anyway, you go to your Aunt Rita and say, hey, I found out I have ADHD.
[00:08:10] Jamie Cutino: And Aunt Rita says, oh, well, honey, everyone has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:08:14] Jamie Cutino: Use silly, aunt Rita.
[00:08:15] Jamie Cutino: We're not going to smack Aunt Rita.
[00:08:16] Jamie Cutino: We are going to get really curious with Aunt Rita.
[00:08:21] Jamie Cutino: Oh, I'm just so curious.
[00:08:24] Jamie Cutino: What research have you done?
[00:08:25] Jamie Cutino: I have gone down a research rabbit hole.
[00:08:27] Jamie Cutino: I've learned so much about it.
[00:08:28] Jamie Cutino: But nowhere have I found that everyone has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:08:31] Jamie Cutino: What have you found now that curiosity is going to put it back on her.
[00:08:36] Jamie Cutino: But second, you're not going to snap at her because if you snap at Aunt Rita, then she's going to be an ahole back to you.
[00:08:42] Jamie Cutino: We don't want Aunt Rita to have any motive to be able to be an Ahole back to you.
[00:08:47] Jamie Cutino: But what we're going to do is we're going to get really curious.
[00:08:50] Jamie Cutino: Wow, I'm just so curious.
[00:08:51] Jamie Cutino: What did you find about ADHD?
[00:08:53] Jamie Cutino: Are you also really interested in learning more about it?
[00:08:56] Jamie Cutino: Have you done a lot of research as well?
[00:08:59] Jamie Cutino: Are you thinking that you might have it as that why you've done research?
[00:09:02] Jamie Cutino: Now when you ask these questions, they are going to feel a little dumbfounded because they don't have any evidence that everybody has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:09:10] Jamie Cutino: Because in fact, not everybody has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:09:14] Jamie Cutino: It's very possible they may not even know about the ADHD brain, how the brain is different.
[00:09:21] Jamie Cutino: They likely don't even know the different impacts it has on our daily life.
[00:09:26] Jamie Cutino: So when you get very curious with them, it is going to put it back in their lap and they're going to have to at some point admit, oh, I don't actually know that much about it.
[00:09:36] Jamie Cutino: Okay, so when someone says everyone has a little bit of ADHD, that's when you get very curious.
[00:09:44] Jamie Cutino: Now, know that we are not asking these questions because we really care about what they're about to say.
[00:09:52] Jamie Cutino: We are asking these questions.
[00:09:54] Jamie Cutino: It helps to advocate for yourself.
[00:09:56] Jamie Cutino: When you ask those questions, you are able to talk about the things that you have learned about ADHD and hopefully to educate them so that they're not making the same mistake with somebody else who confides in them that they have ADHD.
[00:10:09] Jamie Cutino: But also it helps you to not lose your ever loving crap on somebody that you love very much who may not have the right information.
[00:10:20] Jamie Cutino: Information about ADHD, if you go down a research rabbit hole, is easy to get right.
[00:10:25] Jamie Cutino: But there's a lot of misinformation out there.
[00:10:27] Jamie Cutino: There's a lot of people talking about ADHD that really don't know what they're talking about and they may not have the right information.
[00:10:34] Jamie Cutino: So advocate for yourself.
[00:10:35] Jamie Cutino: Get very curious about what makes them think that everybody has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:10:40] Jamie Cutino: And if you feel so inclined, give them some education about ADHD.
[00:10:46] Jamie Cutino: Because you have been listening to this podcast if you've been listening to this podcast since episode one, then you actually know a lot about the ADHD brain, you know a lot about the behaviors, why it is so challenging for us to do certain things, and you can be a source of advocacy for yourself and also for others.
[00:11:03] Overcoming Shame Related to ADHD

[00:11:03] Jamie Cutino: Okay my friends, so this podcast episode is short and sweet, but I know that everybody who has ADHD has heard the everybody has a little bit of ADHD also, let's talk about the shame that we feel like deep ingrained.
[00:11:19] Jamie Cutino: We've already talked about why we feel shame.
[00:11:21] Jamie Cutino: We've been told that we need to try harder for everything in our life, that it is 100% our fault.
[00:11:26] Jamie Cutino: We're told that everyone has a little bit of ADHD.
[00:11:28] Jamie Cutino: So therefore we're just dealing with what everyone deals with, right?
[00:11:32] Jamie Cutino: And therefore, if we're not able to deal with it, then we're just a bad person.
[00:11:36] Jamie Cutino: Not true.
[00:11:37] Jamie Cutino: When you're feeling a deep rooted shame for your ADHD symptoms, I want you to look at yourself as you would a best friend.
[00:11:44] Jamie Cutino: I know you've heard this before.
[00:11:46] Jamie Cutino: If your eyes are glazing over, please stick with me.
[00:11:48] Jamie Cutino: I promise it's going to be worth it.
[00:11:50] Jamie Cutino: When you are looking at yourself and feeling super shameful, shameful words are hard sometimes.
[00:11:58] Jamie Cutino: Think about your best friend having an identical life, identical life experiences as you.
[00:12:05] Jamie Cutino: What would you say to that person?
[00:12:07] Jamie Cutino: Would you say to that person, my gosh, get your shit together.
[00:12:11] Jamie Cutino: You have always had ADHD.
[00:12:14] Jamie Cutino: Why are you get your crap together?
[00:12:17] Jamie Cutino: You're a bad person.
[00:12:18] Jamie Cutino: You talk too much or you walk too fast.
[00:12:20] Jamie Cutino: No.
[00:12:21] Jamie Cutino: What you would say to them is, my friend, you just found out you have ADHD.
[00:12:26] Jamie Cutino: How cool is that?
[00:12:27] Jamie Cutino: Now you have a better understanding of your brain and you can work with it.
[00:12:32] Jamie Cutino: And you've done the absolute best you could up until this point.
[00:12:36] Jamie Cutino: And being the inquisitive person you are, you're the one that found out that you had ADHD.
[00:12:42] Jamie Cutino: And how cool is it that you are so self aware that you went to find solutions, found what the problem was, or not the problem, but just the missing puzzle piece you have never known.
[00:12:54] Jamie Cutino: Now let's figure this out together.
[00:12:56] Jamie Cutino: Is that not how you would talk to your best friend?
[00:12:59] Jamie Cutino: So it's time to start talking to yourself like that.
[00:13:01] Jamie Cutino: I want to give the what's the word I'm looking for.
[00:13:05] Jamie Cutino: Not the disclosure, but like the I'm trying to think of the word for but anyway, this is going to be a process.
[00:13:13] Jamie Cutino: Anyone that tells you that letting go of the shame related to ADHD in your life experiences with ADHD is like, do a couple of affirmations and let it go type of thing is absolutely full of crap.
[00:13:24] Jamie Cutino: I would not recommend listening to that person for very long.
[00:13:29] Jamie Cutino: Letting go of the shame related to ADHD is going to be a process.
[00:13:34] Jamie Cutino: It's a process of understanding your brain.
[00:13:36] Jamie Cutino: It's a process of accepting your brain.
[00:13:38] Jamie Cutino: And you're going to get to a point where you accept and love your brain so much that you look at neurotypical people in their brain and say, my gosh, how boring.
[00:13:46] Jamie Cutino: I'm so happy I wasn't born with a brain like that.
[00:13:48] Jamie Cutino: But in the process of getting there, it is going to be very challenging.
[00:13:51] Jamie Cutino: And this is why I urge you to hang out with people who have ADHD.
[00:13:55] Jamie Cutino: Join Facebook groups of people who have ADHD.
[00:13:58] Jamie Cutino: Those who understand your struggles and are there with you, those who understand how hard it can be to get into the shower.
[00:14:07] Jamie Cutino: Those are the people that you want to hang out with, not people who are neurotypical and are going to tell you to just try harder.
[00:14:13] Jamie Cutino: Because I found this TikTok video and I need to give the creator some credit.
[00:14:23] Jamie Cutino: I'll put the TikTok episode in the show notes, too, but she talked about how executive dysfunction is like erectile dysfunction.
[00:14:31] Jamie Cutino: As much as you want it to work, it just won't.
[00:14:34] Jamie Cutino: And that is how it feels when you have ADHD and say you're trying to get the dishes done.
[00:14:38] Jamie Cutino: You really want to get the dishes done.
[00:14:40] Jamie Cutino: You just can't.
[00:14:41] Jamie Cutino: And the people that are going to help you through this journey are those who have felt like that, who have seen the pile of clothes and we're not able to fold them, who have seen the pile of dishes.
[00:14:49] Jamie Cutino: And we're not able to wash them, who know that they have to be out the door in five minutes to get to work, but haven't even found the energy to be able to get out of bed.
[00:15:00] Jamie Cutino: Those are your people who are going to help you to accept yourself, understand your brain, and give yourself a damn break.
[00:15:06] Jamie Cutino: The break that you have always needed.
[00:15:09] Jamie Cutino: Those of us with ADHD have been rejected exponentially more than those who do not have ADHD, which also contributes to that shame.
[00:15:17] Jamie Cutino: So you did not put yourself in this situation.
[00:15:20] Jamie Cutino: You were born with a brain that you did not know how to work with, and you were so inquisitive.
[00:15:25] Jamie Cutino: You found out that you have ADHD, and now the healing begins.
[00:15:29] Podcast Episode by Jamie Cutino: A Special Thanks and An Invitation to Join Facebook Group

[00:15:29] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friends, so that is it for this episode.
[00:15:33] Jamie Cutino: I want to thank our patrons, kirsten and Ash Bay.
[00:15:38] Jamie Cutino: Thank you so much again for being patrons and joining the co working community, the getchick done community.
[00:15:46] Jamie Cutino: And I also want to thank Lauren and Judith for giving this amazing podcast topic.
[00:15:54] Jamie Cutino: I appreciate you guys so much.
[00:15:55] Jamie Cutino: You make my life so much easier by giving you the topics that I'm going to talk about.
[00:15:58] Jamie Cutino: I never have to think about it.
[00:16:00] Jamie Cutino: I just go on the Facebook group and look at the topic suggestions and pick one that feels good to me at that moment.
[00:16:05] Jamie Cutino: So, my friends, I will see you next week, and if you are not already in the Facebook group, now is the time to join, okay?
[00:16:13] Jamie Cutino: Because you will be getting my strategy sessions, my Master classes, my Q and A's, my live podcast with the Q and A after I am in your corner through September twelveTH will be the end of the treating you like a free client.
[00:16:28] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friends, talk to you later.
[00:16:30] Jamie Cutino: Bye.
[00:16:33] Interactive Q&A Session with Jamie Cutino

[00:16:33] Jamie Cutino: Okay, so any questions related to whoa.
[00:16:53] Jamie Cutino: Of course.
[00:16:53] Jamie Cutino: I knocked over the entire microphone.
[00:16:55] Jamie Cutino: Okay, does anyone have any questions related to that topic?
[00:17:02] Jamie Cutino: Can everyone hear me okay?
[00:17:03] Jamie Cutino: See, there's three of you on at the moment.
[00:17:09] Jamie Cutino: Any questions?
[00:17:10] Jamie Cutino: Any thoughts?
[00:17:14] Jamie Cutino: You are so welcome, my friend.
[00:17:22] Jamie Cutino: I'll hang out here for a minute, see if some questions are coming in.
[00:17:30] Jamie Cutino: I know this episode was pretty straightforward, but oh, you can hear.
[00:17:33] Jamie Cutino: Okay, awesome.
[00:17:34] Jamie Cutino: Any questions?
[00:17:35] Jamie Cutino: Give me a yes.
[00:17:36] Jamie Cutino: Give me a no.
[00:17:37] Jamie Cutino: It's okay if it's a no.
[00:17:44] ADHD Advocacy and Dealing with Misconceptions

[00:17:44] Jamie Cutino: Has anyone dealt with someone who told them they had a little bit of ADHD?
[00:17:47] Jamie Cutino: That everyone has a little bit of ADHD?
[00:17:50] Jamie Cutino: I know pretty much every ADHD that I've talked to.
[00:17:56] Jamie Cutino: Oh, you blogged about ADHD Shame this week.
[00:17:59] Jamie Cutino: I love it.
[00:18:02] Jamie Cutino: I love it.
[00:18:02] Jamie Cutino: I love that there's so much advocacy.
[00:18:05] Jamie Cutino: I love that there's other I figured it was you, Kat.
[00:18:12] Jamie Cutino: I need to check out your blogs.
[00:18:14] Jamie Cutino: You're welcome to put your blogs in the group, by the way, because I love advocacy coming from everybody.
[00:18:23] Jamie Cutino: So any questions?
[00:18:25] Jamie Cutino: If not, that's okay.
[00:18:27] Jamie Cutino: I will hop off.
[00:18:28] Jamie Cutino: I'm happy you guys were able to hang out with me live.
[00:18:31] Jamie Cutino: Now I'm going to figure out how to cut this podcast in.
[00:18:36] Jamie Cutino: Oh, you're not stepping on toes.
[00:18:38] Jamie Cutino: We've talked in the DMs, too.
[00:18:40] Jamie Cutino: It's those people that feel the need to come into groups and then just spam groups.
[00:18:45] Jamie Cutino: Not a fan of because you never know who's someone you want to help your group and those who don't know what they're talking about anyway.
[00:18:55] Jamie Cutino: But you're awesome, Kat.
[00:18:57] Jamie Cutino: You're welcome to share your blogs.
[00:18:59] Jamie Cutino: Absolutely.
[00:19:02] Jamie Cutino: I get that all the time, and I try to respond with grace, but it's hard.
[00:19:06] Jamie Cutino: You're so welcome.
[00:19:08] Jamie Cutino: Yes.
[00:19:10] Jamie Cutino: And I am also someone who has a hot temper and can be quick with words and then regretting them later.
[00:19:17] Jamie Cutino: And I have found that responding with curiosity really helps to get your point across without seeming like an asshole.
[00:19:27] Jamie Cutino: I try to keep the language here like PG, because I know a lot of you have little ears around you, especially on a Sunday, right?
[00:19:35] Jamie Cutino: But, yeah, responding with curiosity can really help you to get your point across.
[00:19:40] Jamie Cutino: I wasn't joking when I said, oh, wow, I didn't know that you know so much about ADHD.
[00:19:46] Jamie Cutino: What else have you learned?
[00:19:48] Jamie Cutino: What else have you learned about the symptoms?
[00:19:50] Jamie Cutino: What else have you learned about the biology or the neurology?
[00:19:55] Jamie Cutino: What have you learned about it?
[00:19:56] Jamie Cutino: What are your sources?
[00:19:57] Jamie Cutino: I'm just so curious.
[00:19:58] Jamie Cutino: I'm always looking for reputable sources to learn more about, so those questions can really it puts it back on them.
[00:20:06] Jamie Cutino: But when you respond with curiosity, they can't get mad at curiosity, right?
[00:20:10] Jamie Cutino: And if they do, it just shows that they never knew what they were talking about, which we know that they don't if they say that anyway.
[00:20:15] Jamie Cutino: But responding with curiosity can be really helpful dealing with people that can be really helpful dealing with people in general.
[00:20:22] Jamie Cutino: Responding with curiosity when you know for a fact they don't know what they're talking about.
[00:20:26] Jamie Cutino: But you don't want to be like, you are so full of shit.
[00:20:29] Jamie Cutino: Because when we respond with defensiveness, people will double down and just get louder and ridiculous.
[00:20:37] Jamie Cutino: And I'm sure that many of you guys have seen that with people we've had for those who live in the United States and have seen past presidents.
[00:20:45] Jamie Cutino: But anyway, that's besides the point people will get.
[00:20:48] Jamie Cutino: If you respond with defensiveness, they will also respond with defensiveness and it'll just become a heightened argument.
[00:20:55] Jamie Cutino: Whereas if you respond with curiosity, it feels more like a conversation to them.
[00:21:01] Jamie Cutino: They feel like they're invited to the conversation and in the end they're going to find that they didn't know crap about it anyway.
[00:21:10] Jamie Cutino: I love that.
[00:21:11] Jamie Cutino: Be curious.
[00:21:11] Jamie Cutino: I can see how it will be effective than saying what I would normally yeah, and this is something that I have learned too.
[00:21:18] Jamie Cutino: I have not always had that go to response, but respond with curiosity.
[00:21:23] Jamie Cutino: Especially when you're dealing with difficult people, like even say like boss or difficult family members, it can be really helpful to respond with curiosity.
[00:21:34] Jamie Cutino: I can relate.
[00:21:34] Jamie Cutino: You'll feel much better if you take oh, wow, we've got a spammer.
[00:21:40] Jamie Cutino: Amazing.
[00:21:40] Jamie Cutino: Don't worry you'll be blocked and booted from the group.
[00:21:44] Jamie Cutino: I won't be talking about even saying that comment on here.
[00:21:48] Jamie Cutino: If anyone sees comments like that one, make sure that you report them and then we will ban them from the group.
[00:21:58] Jamie Cutino: If anyone's wondering what the spammers look like, they look exactly like that.
[00:22:02] Jamie Cutino: Maybe I'll just keep that comment there just so that everyone knows who to block from the group.
[00:22:11] Jamie Cutino: I know a lot of them are bots too.
[00:22:13] Jamie Cutino: I've learned a lot of them are bots.
[00:22:15] Jamie Cutino: I'm just like I don't even know how the hell one would create a bot to do that because it's taken all that I have to figure out how to stream Live into the Facebook group.
[00:22:25] Jamie Cutino: But anyway, if there are no other I love you guys.
[00:22:30] Jamie Cutino: You're fantastic.
[00:22:35] Jamie Cutino: You guys are my freaking favorite.
[00:22:37] Jamie Cutino: If there are no other follow up questions, I hope that you enjoyed seeing the podcast live.
[00:22:45] Jamie Cutino: My plan is to be doing this every Sunday, so I'm going to be keeping the same time for our events every week because oh, the bots.
[00:22:54] Jamie Cutino: Don't get me started, girl.
[00:22:55] Jamie Cutino: I know.
[00:22:56] Jamie Cutino: So I'm going to be keeping the same time that I have for these last two weeks, for the next two weeks as well because one, we have ADHD and it's hard to remember things anyway.
[00:23:06] Jamie Cutino: And two, my ADHD medicine is kicked in and ready to go by 10:00.
[00:23:11] Jamie Cutino: So it just works really well for my brain.
[00:23:14] Jamie Cutino: And I need to have my brain working in together as I'm coaching and teaching you guys.
[00:23:20] Jamie Cutino: So I'm going to be keeping the same times Tuesday, Thursday, and oh, this Sunday is going to be different.
[00:23:27] Jamie Cutino: Because I'm going to be on a trip lol.
[00:23:32] Jamie Cutino: So I'm going to be figuring out the third time what time we'll be doing the podcast episode for this week.
[00:23:40] Jamie Cutino: Maybe a Friday early morning.
[00:23:44] Jamie Cutino: I'm not sure, guys, but I do know for sure tuesday, Thursday, this week I will be actually, Friday, let's do Friday.
[00:23:57] Jamie Cutino: We're going to do the podcast episode on Friday at I guess it's going to be like 07:00 a.m.
[00:24:04] Jamie Cutino: My time.
[00:24:04] Jamie Cutino: Oh my goodness.
[00:24:05] Jamie Cutino: It's going to be really early, but I've got a client right after, so that'll work out really well.
[00:24:10] Jamie Cutino: So this week's events are going to be Tuesday and Thursday, it's typical time.
[00:24:15] Jamie Cutino: And then Friday I'm going to be recording the podcast at the Ask Cracker Dawn.
[00:24:20] Jamie Cutino: For me, it's going to be at 07:00 a.m.
[00:24:23] Jamie Cutino: My Time.
[00:24:24] Jamie Cutino: So a lot of you will probably be listening to the replay.
[00:24:27] Jamie Cutino: Unless you are in Eastern, it's going to be 09:00 a.m.
[00:24:31] Jamie Cutino: Eastern, 08:00 a.m.
[00:24:34] Jamie Cutino: Central.
[00:24:35] Jamie Cutino: And then if you're a real early bird, it's going to be like 06:00 a.m.
[00:24:37] Jamie Cutino: Pacific.
[00:24:39] Jamie Cutino: But anyway, 07:00 a.m.
[00:24:40] Jamie Cutino: My Time for the podcast.
[00:24:45] Jamie Cutino's Lockdown Announcement and Guide to Catching Replay Sessions

[00:24:45] Jamie Cutino: Okay.
[00:24:45] Jamie Cutino: All right, my friends, we've got a lockdown.
[00:24:48] Jamie Cutino: All right, I hope you've enjoyed and I will talk to you guys soon.
[00:24:52] Jamie Cutino: Excuse me.
[00:24:53] Jamie Cutino: And I will be putting this replay.
[00:24:57] Jamie Cutino: You have to do it from the desktop.
[00:25:00] Jamie Cutino: Oh, my gosh.
[00:25:01] Jamie Cutino: Excuse me.
[00:25:01] Jamie Cutino: I'm drinking my carbonated drink.
[00:25:04] Jamie Cutino: So you have to go on the desktop.
[00:25:07] Jamie Cutino: If you're on your desktop and you go up to the top of the group and you see the guides, the guide section will give you all the replays, okay?
[00:25:15] Jamie Cutino: Like all the strategy sessions, master classes, everything.
[00:25:18] Jamie Cutino: But that's where you will find all the replays.
[00:25:20] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friends, I will talk to you on Tuesday.
[00:25:24] Jamie Cutino: Okay, bye now.
[00:25:27] Jamie Cutino: Bye.

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