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Managing Relationships During ADHD Burnout: Tips and Strategies Episode 4

Managing Relationships During ADHD Burnout: Tips and Strategies

· 27:20


[00:00:00] Jamie Cutino discusses the future of their podcast and acknowledges the sponsors

[00:00:00] Jamie Cutino: Hello, my beautiful humans.
[00:00:04] Jamie Cutino: How the hell are you doing today?
[00:00:09] Jamie Cutino: One of these days when I am not also working a full time job, this podcast is going to be live streamed so that you're able to listen at the same time and maybe I can get some reactions.
[00:00:21] Jamie Cutino: Until then, I guess it's a one way conversation.
[00:00:23] Jamie Cutino: Guys, first of all, I want to thank our patrons.
[00:00:29] Jamie Cutino: I was supposed to be doing this since episode one, but it turns out I have ADHD, so it's going to start now.
[00:00:34] Jamie Cutino: Thank you to our patrons, Janet and Angela.
[00:00:39] Jamie Cutino: This podcast is possible because of listeners like you.
[00:00:43] Jamie Cutino: Does anyone remember those PBS commercials where it's like this what is it broadcast?
[00:00:48] Jamie Cutino: Is possible because of viewers like you.
[00:00:51] Jamie Cutino: And as a kid, we all felt like, oh, I'm doing something special.
[00:00:54] Jamie Cutino: Anyway, thank you so much, Angela and Janet.
[00:00:58] Jamie Cutino: I appreciate you so much.
[00:00:59] Navigating Relationships During ADHD Burnout

[00:00:59] Jamie Cutino: Okay, now, today, because of an amazing recommendation from our friend Fran in our private Facebook group, which, if you're not in it, why are you not?
[00:01:14] Jamie Cutino: It is 100% free and it's for women with ADHD.
[00:01:18] Jamie Cutino: Thank you, Fran, so much for suggesting the topic of navigating relationships when you are in ADHD Burnout.
[00:01:27] Jamie Cutino: Last week, if you don't remember, if you didn't tune in, don't worry.
[00:01:30] Jamie Cutino: I'm going to give you a quick recap because it turns out that we have ADHD, and even if you listened, you might not remember it's.
[00:01:37] Jamie Cutino: Okay, so we talked about how ADHD Burnout is different from depression, but it can oftentimes look very similar if you're finding yourself constantly saying like, I'm feeling so overwhelmed, your body just feels like it's constantly in overdrive.
[00:01:54] Jamie Cutino: You cannot get enough sleep to save your life.
[00:01:58] Jamie Cutino: Life doesn't seem super enjoyable.
[00:02:00] Jamie Cutino: You're having really negative thoughts, dark thoughts, oftentimes similar to depressive thoughts.
[00:02:06] Jamie Cutino: You may be in ADHD burnout.
[00:02:09] Jamie Cutino: Okay, now, navigating relationships when you're in ADHD Burnout is tricky.
[00:02:17] Jamie Cutino: It's very tricky.
[00:02:18] Jamie Cutino: But don't worry, friends, I'm going to break this shit down for you.
[00:02:22] Jamie Cutino: And since we oftentimes are black and white thinkers, I'm going to put this in a little bit more black and white terms for you, okay?
[00:02:30] Jamie Cutino: So when you're in neurodivergent Burnout, we talked about last week, we need alone time.
[00:02:38] Jamie Cutino: We desperately need alone time to recharge.
[00:02:41] Jamie Cutino: We need rest.
[00:02:42] Jamie Cutino: And once we have the energy from that alone time and that rest, then we need time to engage in those activities that we really love.
[00:02:51] Jamie Cutino: Like your current Hyper Focus, your current special interest, whether that be I gave the example last week of, like, my current Hyper Focus is refinishing furniture, which I have a shelf in my garage right now that has one coat of primer on it, and I have not touched it since.
[00:03:07] Jamie Cutino: Absolutely no shame, because that's my ADHD game.
[00:03:10] Jamie Cutino: Anyway, it'll get done eventually.
[00:03:12] Jamie Cutino: But what gives me energy right now is going down TikTok rabbit holes and looking up how to finish furniture and most recently, I've been wanting to learn how to crochet.
[00:03:21] Jamie Cutino: Anyway, looking up different activities like that is giving me energy because I am recovering from ADHD burnout, neurodivergent burnout.
[00:03:33] Jamie Cutino: Right now I have ADHD and autism, which we touch on a little bit in this podcast.
[00:03:41] Jamie Cutino: There are other neurodiversities as well, like dyslexia.
[00:03:45] Jamie Cutino: Dyspraxia.
[00:03:48] Jamie Cutino: I think sensory processing disorder would be considered.
[00:03:51] Jamie Cutino: There's other things.
[00:03:52] Jamie Cutino: But as someone that has ADHD and autism and sensory processing difficulties, burnout is a thing and I am currently in it, and a lot of you are also in it as well.
[00:04:04] Jamie Cutino: So anyway, we need alone time, we need time to rest, and we need time to engage in our current hyper focus.
[00:04:11] Jamie Cutino: And that can make it really tricky with navigating relationships.
[00:04:17] Jamie Cutino: Fun fact.
[00:04:19] Jamie Cutino: Fun roll call.
[00:04:20] Jamie Cutino: How many drinks do you have next to you right now?
[00:04:22] Jamie Cutino: Because right now I have two drinks next to me.
[00:04:24] Jamie Cutino: They are both lacroix, they are different flavors, and I stole my husband's drink before he left, so I've got two of them.
[00:04:30] Jamie Cutino: How many drinks do you have?
[00:04:32] Jamie Cutino: I think that having more than one drink next to you most of the time should be in the DSM Five criteria for ADHD, but that's just my opinion.
[00:04:41] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:04:42] Navigating Relationships During ADHD Burnout

[00:04:42] Jamie Cutino: Navigating relationships when you are in ADHD burnout, let's talk about it.
[00:04:49] Jamie Cutino: Let's talk first about close friends and close family.
[00:04:53] Jamie Cutino: And I am talking about people that respect your boundaries.
[00:04:57] Jamie Cutino: When you tell them, I am so overwhelmed, they want to hear about how you're doing, what's going on.
[00:05:03] Jamie Cutino: They are not there judging you.
[00:05:05] Jamie Cutino: They're there with an opening or like a listening ear, or they're there with a hug, and they're there telling you you're doing a really good job.
[00:05:14] Jamie Cutino: I'm talking about those people, okay?
[00:05:17] Jamie Cutino: I'm not talking about the people that don't understand when you say no, you mean no.
[00:05:20] Jamie Cutino: I'm talking about people that are close friends and close family members, people that respect your boundaries.
[00:05:27] Jamie Cutino: It is okay to say, hey, I would love to hang out with you.
[00:05:32] Jamie Cutino: I would love nothing more.
[00:05:33] Jamie Cutino: But right now, if I do not spend my free time taking a nap, my mental health is going to go to shit.
[00:05:41] Jamie Cutino: And it's currently in the shitter, and I'm really trying to dig myself out of it.
[00:05:46] Jamie Cutino: I would love to hang out with you, but my mental health just can't do it right now.
[00:05:50] Jamie Cutino: It close friends and close family members.
[00:05:52] Jamie Cutino: When you talk to them in those words, they're going to say, oh, my gosh, what's going on?
[00:05:56] Jamie Cutino: Do you want to talk about it?
[00:05:57] Jamie Cutino: And if you want to talk about it, talk about it.
[00:05:58] Jamie Cutino: If you don't, don't.
[00:05:59] Jamie Cutino: Sometimes it helps when we verbally process.
[00:06:01] Jamie Cutino: A lot of us are verbal processors where we will talk about the same thing with multiple people in order for it to make sense to ourselves.
[00:06:09] Jamie Cutino: And that's super, okay?
[00:06:11] Jamie Cutino: And I am one of those people and a lot of you are that person as well.
[00:06:16] Jamie Cutino: So if it's a close friend, a close family close friend, close family member, and they're inviting you to do something, go out somewhere, they want to come over, and you don't have the energy for it because you are in Burnout, it's okay to say, hey, my mental health just cannot do it right now.
[00:06:36] Jamie Cutino: You can even say, I'm learning more about my amazing ADHD brain, and it turns out that Burnout is totally a thing.
[00:06:42] Jamie Cutino: Have you ever heard about it?
[00:06:44] Jamie Cutino: It's wild.
[00:06:46] Jamie Cutino: You need very different things when you have ADHD.
[00:06:49] Jamie Cutino: I'm just learning about it.
[00:06:49] Jamie Cutino: I'm so excited to work with my brain more, but it turns out that I need a lot more alone time to be able to feel better and then let them know, hey, I can engage with you either minimally or maybe there's different modes that are easier to communicate, like a text message.
[00:07:09] Jamie Cutino: Every so often, I am a lot less exhausted sending a message, like a text message.
[00:07:19] Jamie Cutino: Or I'll use discord and I'll check up on a friend, hey, I'm thinking about you.
[00:07:24] Jamie Cutino: I've been overwhelmed, which is why I haven't reached out.
[00:07:27] Jamie Cutino: But you're on my mind.
[00:07:28] Jamie Cutino: I love you so much.
[00:07:30] Jamie Cutino: Let them know modes of communication that may work better for you in this moment, that getting together is not possible for your mental health, maybe even those messages.
[00:07:41] Jamie Cutino: And those text messages are not possible right now.
[00:07:44] Jamie Cutino: Just let them know.
[00:07:45] Jamie Cutino: So close friends, close family, let them know, hey, I'm in Burnout right now.
[00:07:53] Jamie Cutino: My mental health is not doing amazing, and I just found out that when you're in ADHD Burnout, you really need alone time and rest in order to feel better.
[00:08:04] Jamie Cutino: So I'm going to honor my body and do that.
[00:08:06] Jamie Cutino: But I love you so much, and these are the ways that I can keep up with you, whatever that is.
[00:08:13] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:08:14] Jamie Cutino: Now, acquaintances, family who do not understand boundaries, okay, you know who the hell I'm talking about.
[00:08:23] Jamie Cutino: I'm talking about your sister that no matter how many times you tell her, hey, I'm super busy, I am exhausted, she's like, oh, but can't you just know no.
[00:08:32] Jamie Cutino: The answer is no.
[00:08:33] Jamie Cutino: But how do we manage that?
[00:08:35] Jamie Cutino: Let me just find my most tactful vocabulary, because it is hard for me to find sometimes, I will admit I have a funny story about what happened at work this week that maybe at the end I will get to.
[00:08:52] Jamie Cutino: I'm going to make a little note, okay?
[00:08:53] Jamie Cutino: Talk to them about what happened at work this week because it's really funny.
[00:09:00] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:09:04] Jamie Cutino: One of those ADHD strategies, if you can't talk about it in the moment, make a little note, and then come back to it later so that you can keep that thought train going.
[00:09:13] Jamie Cutino: Not close friends, acquaintances, people who set expectations on you and seem to not understand the word no.
[00:09:21] Jamie Cutino: Well, for people like that, saying something as simple as, I would love to, but I can't, period.
[00:09:31] Jamie Cutino: Now, I know what you're thinking, oh, that feels so crappy.
[00:09:35] Jamie Cutino: I hate saying no.
[00:09:36] Jamie Cutino: I'm a people, Jamie.
[00:09:37] Jamie Cutino: I'm a people pleaser.
[00:09:38] Jamie Cutino: You don't get it.
[00:09:39] Jamie Cutino: Yes, I do, girl.
[00:09:40] Jamie Cutino: I used to be that people pleaser, too.
[00:09:43] Jamie Cutino: No is a complete do.
[00:09:46] Jamie Cutino: This is the big thing, okay?
[00:09:47] Jamie Cutino: If you don't listen to any other part of the podcast, if you are zoned out right now.
[00:09:52] Jamie Cutino: If you're zoned out, zone back in right now.
[00:09:54] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:09:55] Jamie Cutino: Do not explain yourself unless it is with somebody who respects your boundaries and genuinely cares about your mental health and your well being.
[00:10:07] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:10:08] Jamie Cutino: If this is somebody who has not respected your boundaries in the past, do not explain yourself.
[00:10:15] Jamie Cutino: If it feels like you have to defend yourself when you're speaking with this person, do not explain yourself because it's very different.
[00:10:22] Jamie Cutino: When it's a close friend that really cares about you.
[00:10:26] Jamie Cutino: In that sense, you are sharing how you're mentally doing.
[00:10:31] Jamie Cutino: When it's somebody who is not respecting your boundaries, it is no longer sharing.
[00:10:35] Jamie Cutino: You are in this defensive.
[00:10:37] Jamie Cutino: I have to explain why I'm exhausted.
[00:10:40] Jamie Cutino: If you find yourself having to explain why you're exhausted because they're trying to make you feel like you should be able to do XYZ for them with them, do not explain yourself.
[00:10:50] Jamie Cutino: I would love to.
[00:10:51] Jamie Cutino: I just can't.
[00:10:52] Jamie Cutino: I can't right now.
[00:10:55] Jamie Cutino: Or you can just say no, and that feels really crappy.
[00:10:58] Jamie Cutino: But if you are not intentionally trying to hurt somebody, you are not doing anything wrong simply saying, I won't be able to.
[00:11:07] Jamie Cutino: Thanks for the offer.
[00:11:08] Jamie Cutino: It's totally enough.
[00:11:10] Jamie Cutino: And unfortunately, if we don't respect our energy and we do these things even when we're in burnout, it's going to make that recovery time a whole hell of a lot longer.
[00:11:21] Jamie Cutino: And this is speaking from experience.
[00:11:23] Jamie Cutino: I had no idea back in the day when I had no idea that I had ADHD or autism, I would say yes to a lot of people.
[00:11:31] Jamie Cutino: I would feel like if I don't do the things, that they wouldn't want to be my friend.
[00:11:36] Jamie Cutino: And once I did start respecting my boundaries, my friend group absolutely grew smaller.
[00:11:41] Jamie Cutino: But it also grew incredibly more neurodivergent because they just understand instinctually.
[00:11:47] Jamie Cutino: Like, oh, I get it, I get it.
[00:11:49] Jamie Cutino: You can't hang out right now.
[00:11:50] Jamie Cutino: You have to cancel last minute because you didn't suspect that you would be feeling like this.
[00:11:54] Jamie Cutino: Totally get it.
[00:11:57] Jamie Cutino: So not a close friend.
[00:11:59] Jamie Cutino: Just say no.
[00:12:00] Jamie Cutino: Wish I could.
[00:12:01] Managing Relationships and Expectations While Living with Neurodivergence

[00:12:01] Jamie Cutino: Won't be able to.
[00:12:04] Jamie Cutino: Close friends, let them know how you're feeling.
[00:12:06] Jamie Cutino: Let them know how you're able to keep in touch with them.
[00:12:11] Jamie Cutino: And another big thing is set realistic expectations with people as soon as you possibly can, whether it is close relationships, acquaintances, business things, all of that jazz.
[00:12:26] Jamie Cutino: For me personally.
[00:12:27] Jamie Cutino: And I know I can talk about myself, because as Neurodivergent people, we empathize by explaining our situation.
[00:12:34] Jamie Cutino: So I don't have to worry about Neurotypicals listening to this saying, oh, she only talks about herself.
[00:12:41] Jamie Cutino: So I will use my life as an example so that it makes a little bit more sense.
[00:12:46] Jamie Cutino: I currently work a full time job as an occupational therapist on top of this business where I am doing immense advocacy, creating a lot of free resources and paid resources and all of those things.
[00:13:02] Jamie Cutino: And it's a lot, I will admit it is a lot, especially as someone who has ADHD and autism and I'm working my ass off to try to be able to give you the resources that I didn't have growing up.
[00:13:16] Jamie Cutino: And I know that you likely did not have growing up, or else you probably wouldn't be listening to this podcast, learning how to work with your brain.
[00:13:22] Jamie Cutino: So that makes life very busy and it can be exhausting, especially since my full time job is working with patients all day as an occupational therapist as well.
[00:13:34] Jamie Cutino: So I know myself well enough now to know that if I commit to plans Saturday and Sunday, one, I will not get any of my business tasks done because I cannot work on my business after work when I am exhausted and I've seen patients all day.
[00:13:54] Jamie Cutino: And if I am doing things Saturday and Sunday, that means, one, I'm not going to get business tasks done that's going to stress me the fuck out and I'm not going to be able to contribute to this community the way that I am so hell bent on doing and so passionate about doing.
[00:14:09] Jamie Cutino: Two, I'm going to be exhausted myself, I am going to feel like I am an absolute burnout.
[00:14:15] Jamie Cutino: And the next week, going into work, I am not going to be my best self, I'm not going to be able to show up for my patients, I'm not going to be able to show up as well doing this podcast.
[00:14:24] Jamie Cutino: I might not even have time to do this podcast, I likely wouldn't because I need to have the energy to do it.
[00:14:29] Jamie Cutino: And three, my relationship with my husband is going to go down the shitter.
[00:14:33] Jamie Cutino: And this is a learning from experience thing where I would be working full time and also working in this business, thinking I can handle another business as well, that was just way too much.
[00:14:45] Jamie Cutino: And my relationship with my husband, it was not as healthy as it is now because it's really hard to have healthy relationships with people when you're fucking exhausted.
[00:14:59] Jamie Cutino: So now I know that if I do anything outside of resting on Saturday, that it has to be something that I enjoy doing.
[00:15:08] Jamie Cutino: I'm not going to do something on Saturday just because it's with people that I care about or just because they want me to be there.
[00:15:17] Jamie Cutino: Because Saturday has to be a recharge day for me, because on Sundays I am working pretty much all day on the business because it's my focused 8 hours, however long I hyper focus on it, whether it be 4 hours, whether it be 8 hours.
[00:15:32] Jamie Cutino: I need to have energy on Sundays.
[00:15:34] Jamie Cutino: So that means that I right now have very little time for outings, for excursions, for things outside of a quick text message because I am on a mission for this community and I refuse to let my close relationships, especially my marriage, fail because I'm saying yes to everybody but myself.
[00:15:59] Jamie Cutino: Earlier in this business when I did not have I mean, quite honestly, I didn't understand myself as well a year and a half ago before let me find the right words.
[00:16:11] Jamie Cutino: I did not understand myself as well a year and a half ago as well as I do now.
[00:16:17] Jamie Cutino: Especially as life got more busy, got more crazy, seeing what it entails with a new business.
[00:16:24] Jamie Cutino: I tried to do everything all the time.
[00:16:27] Jamie Cutino: I tried to be that person that could finish my schooling, start a business, try to keep up a relationship with a husband who at the time, was having very severe health problems.
[00:16:40] Jamie Cutino: And my mental health very quickly went to crap.
[00:16:45] Jamie Cutino: And I had to figure out really quick what I can say yes to and what I have to say no to.
[00:16:50] Jamie Cutino: So set realistic expectations.
[00:16:53] Jamie Cutino: If you are not somebody who typically enjoys going out and doing things, if you are very introverted and you are getting invites to go places because you're a wildly fun person, which I know that you are, and you likely have friends that love hanging out with you, set that expectation hey, I'm actually a pretty introverted person.
[00:17:13] Jamie Cutino: I really appreciate the invite, but I can't say yes right now.
[00:17:20] Jamie Cutino: If something happens to where I have a lot of energy, I'd love to, but if I have to say yes or no right now, it's going to be a no and say, I know that you get it because you love me, but that's just where I'm at right now.
[00:17:34] Jamie Cutino: Set realistic expectations.
[00:17:37] Jamie Cutino: I will tell new friends that don't expect I said I think you're really great.
[00:17:44] Jamie Cutino: This is what I'll do when I'm out at a restaurant.
[00:17:46] Jamie Cutino: A lot of times I'll make friends with the waitresses and I'll be like, oh my gosh, you're so cool.
[00:17:51] Jamie Cutino: And then we'll end up asking for each other's numbers as friends.
[00:17:54] Jamie Cutino: And I will tell them, hey, I have a five to ten business day reply time.
[00:17:59] Jamie Cutino: If you're cool with that, then we could totally be friends because I think you're cool.
[00:18:04] Jamie Cutino: And it's funny because a lot of times they'll be like, oh my God, I'm the same way.
[00:18:07] Jamie Cutino: My friends make me feel like crap for it.
[00:18:10] Jamie Cutino: Which I'm not surprised a lot of waiters and waitresses are neurodivergent because it works well for our brains that it's always go go.
[00:18:22] Jamie Cutino: So anyway, set that expectation up before you engage in that relationship and if you are currently struggling with close friends and you feel like you're kind of beating your head against the wall because you love them so much, but it's not working out.
[00:18:38] Jamie Cutino: It might just be a matter of setting up those expectations now.
[00:18:42] Jamie Cutino: It's never too late to give a realistic expectation, and you can always do it with love.
[00:18:48] Jamie Cutino: It can be as simple as, I absolutely love connecting with you, there's a reason why I'm friends with you.
[00:18:55] Jamie Cutino: Would it work if we could just keep in touch via text or send each other a check in every so often or whatever works best for you?
[00:19:08] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:19:08] Jamie Cutino: Even if it's, hey, I love you so much, I haven't had much energy to engage in converse because I'm exhausted, but can we just check in with each other by literally sending memes on TikTok or Facebook or videos wherever you spend time on social media?
[00:19:28] Jamie Cutino: That simply is a way to say, hey, I'm thinking about you, I love you.
[00:19:32] Jamie Cutino: But we all know it takes a lot less energy when you're scrolling through TikTok to send somebody a video saying, hey, I'm thinking of you, versus engaging in a conversation.
[00:19:42] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:19:44] Jamie Cutino: And also let them know, hey, my reply times are probably going to be crap.
[00:19:49] Jamie Cutino: I say this all the time, and I'm thinking right now that I have a text message of somebody that I've been meaning to meet with to help her with her business, and I have not replied yet, but I let her know ahead of time.
[00:20:04] Jamie Cutino: Hey, my reply times are crap, my schedule is crazy, and when I have a moment to schedule that 15 minutes meeting with you, I absolutely will.
[00:20:14] Jamie Cutino: But I haven't yet because quite honestly, I haven't had the time.
[00:20:18] Jamie Cutino: So let's do a quick recap, guys, because I have ADHD, and this may have sounded all over the place, but you likely have followed along because you have a neurodivergent brain and this makes sense to you, but let's recap.
[00:20:30] Jamie Cutino: Quick recap, okay?
[00:20:33] Jamie Cutino: What you need if you are in burnout, you need alone time and you need rest and you need time to engage in your hyper focus that gives you energy, okay?
[00:20:40] Jamie Cutino: If you have a close friend, close family members, people who respect your boundaries, let them know that you love them and that you are going through some shit right now and you just simply do not have the time or energy to engage in conversations, go on outings, whatever it is.
[00:20:58] Jamie Cutino: And for those who respect your boundaries.
[00:21:00] Jamie Cutino: You can let them know what is going on with you in your life if they are people who respect your boundaries and love you and understand and not understand.
[00:21:10] Jamie Cutino: But they love you for who you are and will be there with compassion when you tell them how you're doing and are not people that try to dismiss how you're feeling for them.
[00:21:23] Jamie Cutino: Let them know ways that you guys can keep in touch in a realistic way, okay?
[00:21:29] Jamie Cutino: People who are acquaintances, people who do not respect your boundaries, simply say, oh, I would love to, but I can't, and that's it.
[00:21:39] Jamie Cutino: Do not explain yourself to people unless they are people who understand and respect your boundaries.
[00:21:45] Jamie Cutino: No is a complete sentence, and saying, I would love to, but I can't is kind and concise and works for people like that, okay?
[00:21:55] Jamie Cutino: And don't be surprised when they're like, oh, but I do everything for you.
[00:21:59] Jamie Cutino: Go fuck off.
[00:22:00] Jamie Cutino: Those are not your people.
[00:22:02] Jamie Cutino: Your people are people that when you are pouring your heart out and saying, I am really not in a good place right now.
[00:22:07] Jamie Cutino: They are there with a big old hug.
[00:22:10] Jamie Cutino: And these people have already proven that they are not those people.
[00:22:13] Jamie Cutino: So they get a concise.
[00:22:15] Jamie Cutino: No.
[00:22:16] Jamie Cutino: Would love to, but I can't set realistic expectations with everybody, especially people who you talk to more often.
[00:22:25] Jamie Cutino: Let them know that, hey, my response times are crap.
[00:22:28] Jamie Cutino: Let them know, hey, if you've been waiting for a while for a response, you're welcome to double text me.
[00:22:35] Jamie Cutino: I may have forgotten.
[00:22:37] Jamie Cutino: I may have forgotten.
[00:22:38] Jamie Cutino: I may have opened up your message and forgotten to unmark as red.
[00:22:43] Jamie Cutino: Give them realistic expectations of how long it takes you to reply.
[00:22:46] Jamie Cutino: Let them know what's going on in your life, that things are a little cray cray right now, and that when you do have the energy and after you have done your due diligence of taking care of yourself, that they'll be one of the first people that you reconnect with.
[00:22:59] Jamie Cutino: Okay?
[00:23:04] Jamie Cutino: Was that everything?
[00:23:06] Jamie Cutino: That was everything.
[00:23:07] Funny Work Incident and Promoting the 'Get Shit Done' Membership

[00:23:07] Jamie Cutino: Do you guys want to hear about my really funny thing that happened at work this week?
[00:23:12] Jamie Cutino: Here it is.
[00:23:13] Jamie Cutino: So fun.
[00:23:15] Jamie Cutino: Fact I am an occupational therapist.
[00:23:17] Jamie Cutino: Everyone here has already heard that.
[00:23:19] Jamie Cutino: And the nursing home that I work at, it's a nursing home.
[00:23:27] Jamie Cutino: You're taking care of people who are in that place because they need help with their daily lives.
[00:23:34] Jamie Cutino: Getting ready to go to the bathroom, getting dressed, things like that are the people that I'm working with.
[00:23:39] Jamie Cutino: But I have a client that has been leaving before I can get to her.
[00:23:46] Jamie Cutino: I try to see her first thing when I get there in the morning.
[00:23:48] Jamie Cutino: And as I was going to see her, she's leaving with her husband for the day.
[00:23:53] Jamie Cutino: And I told my boss, I was like, hey, she keeps leaving before I can even see her.
[00:24:01] Jamie Cutino: This is so aggravating.
[00:24:02] Jamie Cutino: What the hell?
[00:24:04] Jamie Cutino: And my boss was like, I know she needs to tell us when she's leaving so that we can get here earlier.
[00:24:11] Jamie Cutino: And guys, I'm not used to having a boss yet.
[00:24:14] Jamie Cutino: I'm still in I am my own business owner, I am my own boss mode.
[00:24:20] Jamie Cutino: And I was like, It is not my problem if she can't tell her husband to come here a little bit later so that I can see her in my exact words, it's not my fucking problem.
[00:24:34] Jamie Cutino: So make sure you're taking care of your energetic needs so that you can be a little bit more tactful when dealing with people that are signing your paychecks.
[00:24:46] Jamie Cutino: But that's a fun thing that happened this week.
[00:24:49] Jamie Cutino: I laughed about it later.
[00:24:50] Jamie Cutino: Luckily, my director also swears like a sailor.
[00:24:54] Jamie Cutino: And now I get to go have that conversation with that client of hey, in order for you to get therapy, you're going to have to have that conversation with your husband about not coming to get you until after a certain time, or else I won't be able to see you.
[00:25:13] Jamie Cutino: So that's a boundary I have to place as well, which is super fun.
[00:25:18] Jamie Cutino: But anyway, fun little story for you.
[00:25:21] Jamie Cutino: Take care of your energetic needs.
[00:25:23] Jamie Cutino: I was on one that day.
[00:25:26] Jamie Cutino: It was just a crappy start of a morning.
[00:25:28] Jamie Cutino: And I would not talk like that in front of my cute little clients because they are adorable.
[00:25:34] Jamie Cutino: I love them.
[00:25:37] Jamie Cutino: If you are stressed, you guys want to hear my commercial?
[00:25:43] Jamie Cutino: Here's my commercial.
[00:25:45] Jamie Cutino: If you are stressed the fuck out because your to do list keeps getting longer and your done list is staying the same, you should probably check out my Get Shit Done membership where amazing women like you check things off of their to do list so they're not so stressed the fuck out.
[00:26:02] Jamie Cutino: Did you like that?
[00:26:03] Jamie Cutino: Short and sweet, right?
[00:26:05] Jamie Cutino: If that piqued your attention, maybe you should go to the Show Notes and check out my Get Shit Done membership, which is in the show notes.
[00:26:13] Jamie Cutino: I'm going to keep it short and sweet because long commercials just really bother the shit out of me.
[00:26:18] Jamie Cutino: So go check it out.
[00:26:20] Jamie Cutino: Go and check it out.
[00:26:21] Jamie Cutino: It's really cheap.
[00:26:22] Jamie Cutino: It's like $9 a month.
[00:26:24] Jamie Cutino: Not like $9 a month.
[00:26:25] Jamie Cutino: It's $9 a month.
[00:26:26] Jamie Cutino: Go look at it.
[00:26:27] Jamie Cutino: Go check it out.
[00:26:28] Jamie Cutino: Okay.
[00:26:29] Jamie Cutino: For those who are suggesting amazing podcast topics, I really appreciate you.
[00:26:34] Jamie Cutino: Thank you so much for suggesting them.
[00:26:36] Jamie Cutino: If you would like to suggest podcast topics, please go to the Show Notes and join my Facebook group for women with ADHD.
[00:26:46] Jamie Cutino: And there will be a pinned post at the top that talks about or that for podcast topic suggestions.
[00:26:55] Jamie Cutino: So thank you so much, Fran, for suggesting this topic.
[00:26:58] Jamie Cutino: I appreciate you.
[00:26:59] Jamie Cutino: Thank you again to Janet and Angela for being patrons and supporting this show.
[00:27:07] Jamie Cutino: I will talk to you later, my friends.
[00:27:12] Jamie Cutino: I keep thinking that I'm forgetting something.
[00:27:14] Jamie Cutino: No.
[00:27:15] Jamie Cutino: Okay.
[00:27:15] Jamie Cutino: No, I don't think so.
[00:27:16] Jamie Cutino: Okay, my friends, talk to you later.
[00:27:18] Jamie Cutino: Bye.

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