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How to Talk to People Who Think Differently (and Have Hard Conversations) with Michael Ashford Episode 40

How to Talk to People Who Think Differently (and Have Hard Conversations) with Michael Ashford

· 51:54

In a world that feels increasingly divided, how do we foster real conversations that lead to understanding instead of conflict? 

Michael started a podcast in pursuit of answering that exact question, and what he found is going to shock you. 

Our Guest:
Michael Ashford is a tireless optimist on a mission to help others understand what it means to communicate well. He's a speaking and leadership communications coach drawing on a decade and a half of experience leading and growing teams as well as speaking on stages large and small. Michael is a two-time TEDx speaker, the Head Speaker Coach at TEDxManitouSprings, a podcaster, an author, and a former award-winning journalist, and his work across various platforms has been featured in publications like Men's Health Magazine and Podcast Magazine.

Takeaways from this episode
  • The difference between being a peacemaker vs. a peacekeeper
  • Why curiosity is more powerful than certainty in tough conversations
  • How to recognize and manage bias (including our own)
  • The role of trust and influence in shifting perspectives
  • How the media fuels division—and what to do about it
  • Setting healthy boundaries in conversations without shutting down dialogue
  • Why persuasion isn't about forcing change, but about creating perspective shifts

Michael’s Website:
Visit MichaelAshford.com to purchase his book, find his podcast, contact him for speaker coaching, craft a TEDx-worthy talk, or have a conversation about how we can find common ground. 

Contact Jamie:
Are you a high-achieving woman with ADHD looking for a coach? Event planner looking for a wildly captivating speaker? Go to OutsmartADHD.co to get in touch!

View episode transcript


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